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Español  English  Français

“The Law”

November 5 to 8, 2024

Rey Juan Carlos University
Madrid (Spain)





What is the Law?

What is its function? What it is necessary for? What was its origin? What are the effects of its absence, its corruption, or its pathological manifestations? To what extent can one speak of a symbolic Law that exists in a differentiated way from the legal laws of its time?

Although all cultures have known the Law, not all of them have felt obliged to ponder on it (but the most developed cultures have done so), granting a greater or lesser importance to its study. For that reason, Europe, standing on the solidity of its presence as a cornerstone, like any other society that is intended to be democratic, has its own existence at stake. Hence, this is a matter in which we are involved.

The Law is, in any case, a textual fact. It is just because there are texts that refer to it that it exists, regardless of whether they are written on the stone or only exist through oral transmission.

But its existence cannot be restricted to legal texts that enunciate it. On the contrary: when it is only present in that kind of texts, when it does not manifest itself in the other texts that make up each culture, it can be said that it does not to exist, that it is a dead letter.

This being the case, the reflection does not belong only —not even in the first place— to studies on legal texts and the philosophy of law. Being an essential aspect of all culture, this aspect can and must be studied in the great texts of all kinds —artistic, religious, philosophic, journalistic, spectacular, political…— that constitute the Law..

The law is, thus, an appropriate subject matter for our new conference, which, following the tradition of the previous ones, calls the community of culture, research and the university to question itself about it, relying on the analysis of one or a few certain texts, regardless of whether that analysis is carried out through textual analysis, philosophy, anthropology, psychonalysis, psychology, sociology, aesthetics, law, politics...

With that purpose in mind, we convene the 12th International Conference on Textual Analysis “The Law,” organized by the Trama & Fondo Cultural Association and the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. The conference will be held at this university from the 5th to the 8th of November 2024.

Jesús González Requena
President of the Trama & Fondo Cultural Association

Lorenzo J. Torres Hortelano
Head Organizer





  • The Law as symbol of culture.
  • The Law of the Father in the construction of the subject.
  • The Law in mythology and religion.
  • The Law of the story.
  • The Law as an expression of identity and power.
  • The representation of the Law in the media, film, TV, Internet.
  • Political discourse and legitimacy of the Law.
  • The Law as a tool for social construction.
  • Law, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence.
  • The Law and the human body.





  • ABSTRACTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2024





The deadline for sending PROPOSALS (abstract in Spanish, English, French or Italian, up to 400 words) is 15 September 2024. 3 to 5 keywords. Your paper cannot be more than 15 minutes long. The notification of acceptance will be emailed no later than 25 September 2024.

The maximum number of authors per paper is 4. Each author must pay the conference registration fee.





The whole conference and all the papers are face-to-face. The main room will be streamed online for synchronous viewing. Online attendants can be issued with a certificate of attendance.

  • Registration as author-attendee: €120
  • Registration as author-attendee for students, unemployed or members of a collaborating institution: €50
  • Registration as attendee with an attendance certificate: €25
  • Registration as attendee without an attendance certificate: free. Anyone interested in watching the streamed sessions must register in advance (for free).
  • Member of the Trama & Fondo Cultural Association: free

Registered face-to-face attendees will get a validable certificate for free configuration credits.

You can register through this form





  • Brémard, Bénédicte. University of Bourgogne (France)
  • Brunel, Jean-Louis. University of Nîmes (France)
  • Carrera, Pilar. Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain)
  • Castro de Paz, José Luis. University of Santiago de Compostela
  • (Spain) Castro Ricalde, Maricruz. Co-cordinator of the “Digital Humanities” Research Group Grupo de Investigación. Monterrey Technology Centre (Mexico)
  • De la Hoz Paéz, Danilo; Vega Wilfredo, Esteban. Direction of the Linguistics and Literature Programme, Faculty of Human Sciences. University of Cartagena (Colombia)
  • Díaz Lucena, Antonio. King Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain)
  • Díaz-Cuesta, José. University of La Rioja (Spain)
  • Dumousseau-Lesquer, Magali. UFR Arts, Letters and Languages, Applied Foreign Languages Department, Avignon Université (France)
  • García Vargas, Juan Carlos. Dean of the Faculty of Communication, University of Lima (Peru)
  • Gómez Alonso, Rafael. Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, King Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain)
  • Goyes Narváez, Julio César. IECO-National University of Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia)
  • Ivashchenko, Victoria. Deputy Dean for Scientific Work, Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University (Ukraine)
  • Le Vagueresse, Emmanuel. Department of Romance Languages, University of Reims (France)
  • Martín Arias, Luis. University of Valladolid (Spain)
  • Martínez Justo, Manuel; Medina Ávila, Virginia; Salcedo Aquino, José Alejandro Manuel. Faculty of Higher Studies Acatlán, National Autonomous University of Mexico Monzoncillo, José Mª Álvarez King Juan Carlos University (Madrid)
  • Ortiz de Zárate, Amaya. Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
  • Raimond, Jeanne. University of Nîmes (France)
  • Ribas, Daniel. Portuguese Catholic University, School of Arts (Porto, Portugal)
  • Rubio, Juana. Nebrija University (Madrid, Spain)
  • Russo, Eduardo A. Director of the Doctorate in Arts, Faculty of Arts – National University of La Plata (Argentina)
  • Siles Ojeda, Begoña. Cardenal Herrera-CEU University (Valencia, Spain)
  • Silva Rodríguez, Manuel. University of the Valley, School of Social Communication (Colombia)
  • Sotelo Herrera, Noé. Faculty of Higher Studies Acatlán, Nacional Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Talens, Jenaro. University of Geneva (Switzerland) and University of Valencia (Spain)
  • Toledo, Michel. Viña del Mar University (Chile)
  • Tracy, Tony. Huston School of Film & Digital Media, University of Galway (Irlanda)
  • Zavala, Lauro. Metropolitan Autonomous University – Xochimilco Unit (Mexico)





  • Jesús González Requena. President
  • Lorenzo J. Torres Hortelano. Head Organizer
  • Antonio Díaz Lucena. Academic Secretary / Treasury
  • Salvador Torres. Press/radio
  • Begoña Siles. Coordination of the Scientific Committee (Europe)
  • Julio César Goyes. Coordination of the Scientific Committee (America)
  • José Díaz-Cuesta, Translations and International Relations
  • Julián Franco Lorenzana. Coordinador de Producción
  • Victoria Mora de la Torre, Marta González Caballero. Video
  • Carolina Hermida. Web Edition
  • Soledad Fernández, Estrella Pulido. Coordination of accommodation, transport, restaurants (discounts)
  • Lara Madrid / Eva Hernández. Production Assistants. Protocol. PR. Mailing. Publications
  • Luis Sanguinet. Social Networks / Web / Newsletter
  • María Sanz, Manuel Canga, José Luis López. Panel chairs
  • Marta González Caballero





Trama & Fondo Cultural Association
Rey Juan Carlos University. Vicerrectorado de Comunidad, Campus, Cultura y Deporte





  • Avignon University, France
  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Ukraine
  • Monterrey Technology Centre, Mexico
  • Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico
  • University of Cartagena, Colombia
  • University of Lima, Peru
  • University of Reims, France
  • University of the Valley, Colombia
  • Universidad National Autonomous University, Mexico
  • National University of Colombia
  • National University of La Plata, Argentina
  • Viña del Mar University, Chile
  • Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal
  • University of Nîmes, France
  • University of Galway, Irland









Campus Quintana-URJC: Calle Quintana, 21, 28008 Madrid, Salón de Actos.





Discounts in hotels near the congress: https://www.nh-hotels.com/es/event/xii-congreso-internacional-analisis-textual-trama-y-fondo-la-ley
Local transportation and recommendations to get to the congress venue:
By Metro: Argüelles Station L-3, L-4 and L-6, and Ventura Rodríguez L-3.
By bus (EMT):

  • Calle Ferraz: 74
  • Calle Marqués de Urquijo: 21
  • Calle Princesa: 1, 2, 44, 133, C2





  • ACTIO Journal of Technology in Design, Film Arts and Visual Communication
  • Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries - Revistas UMH, contacto: Lara Madrid, l.madridd@alumnos.urjc.es
  • Admitted papers will have the opportunity to be submitted for evaluation to be part of a monograph in an indexed journal
    or in a book of a reference or in a book published by a leading publisher.
  • Trama & Fondo. Revista de Cultura.